An Artist Journey

 Welcome to Larry Cwik’s website

My journey as a photographic-based artist has been long, fun, and fruitful. My art is my passion in life. Photographing for me is second nature, fun, and enjoyable, and I sometimes lose touch with the outside world when I am photographing, completely focused on capturing a special scene, a special moment in time. When I film or draw I am similarly caught up in the moment, able to ignore distractions without trying. My drawings primarily come from my imagination. Most of my photography is based on an idea of capturing the spirit of a place at a single moment in time, and documenting it for posterity. While I am based in Portland, Oregon, USA, and photograph there, I also travel widely for my work. Wherever I can be inspired is where I want to be.

Another unique feature of my work is that I am not only project driven but also work on photographic projects for long periods of times, sometimes decades. As long as it is fun, and visually rewarding, I keep working on a project until I feel that its potential has been fully realized to my satisfaction.

My five main photographic projects are:

Thaw: An Arctic in Transition;

The Visitor, Walking 1000 Miles Through Mexico’s Cities; 


Morocco; and

Industrial Districts.

I have been simultaneously working on these projects for over eleven years. I have been working on the Mexico project for most of my life.

Conceptually I am consistently drawn in all of my artistic projects to the themes of mystery, beauty, transfiguration, cuture, and surrealism. I am not certain why, but I am also consistently drawn to certain types of images. Sometimes my images are infused with social-political commentary, other times not.


